2017 has been a remarkable year so far, and while we certainly aren’t finished yet, it is time to take stock of what we are thankful for. The holidays are upon us and we want to consider all the people that are responsible for our good fortune. So in keeping with our annual tradition, we at Passageways would like to take stock of all that we are so thankful for:
1. Our customers
Without their commitment, their trust, their energy and inspirational ideas, we couldn’t possibly arrive every day with the devotion that we do. With the addition of 175 customers, including many from Canada, the United Kingdom, and beyond, our family continues to grow. So, to all Passageways customers everywhere we thank you.
2. Events that bring us together
Nothing makes us more thankful or happier than when our community comes together to share, listen, and engage. Our annual customer conference, PowWOW, brings together our community of customers, advisers, partners and colleagues for learning, inspiration, and fun. We are thankful for Passageways’ webinar partners who continue to bring amazing thought leadership to our audience. To everyone that helps bring the Passageways family together, we are in your debt.
3. Our colleagues
The great Pathfinders who come to work every day, work boots on, laptop under arm, ready to dive in and make great things happen, we are in debt to one another. These Pathfinders are smart, committed, knowledgeable, and proud of their work. Their brilliance and fortitude have been on display all year. To our colleagues and friends at Passageways, we are thankful for each and every one of you.
4. Our expanding global community
Our continued global expansion is an opportunity to put our solutions in the hands of people everywhere. New partners have helped us bring our products to the shores of Netherlands, Belgium, Africa, and further. With continued success and new partners in the UK and Canada, we are thankful for each day they help us grow the Passageways extended family. It’s equally humbling and unfathomable that the products you build being used everywhere on earth.
5. Our products (that you help us make!)
Our developers write the code, however, everyone, including our customers, advisers, and partners, contribute to the continued growth of our great products. This has been an especially amazing year with major OnBoard and OnSemble releases. Because of your feedback and sincere insights make our solutions stronger, capable of truly inspiring and enabling teams everywhere. The passion brought to our great products from every member of the Passageways family is something truly extraordinary and something we are deeply thankful for.
About The Author
- At OnBoard, we believe board meetings should be informed, effective, and uncomplicated. That’s why we give boards and leadership teams an elegant solution that simplifies governance. With customers in higher education, nonprofit, health care systems, government, and corporate enterprise business, OnBoard is the leading board management provider.
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